How to Find Movie Times and Movie Theaters in Bangkok, Thailand

If you are in Bangkok, Thailand and dying to see a movie, it can be a bit frustrating to figure out which movies are showing at what times and where the movie theaters are.

Sure, you can just show up at any Bangkok mall and visit the movie theater to find out what’s playing, but it is a whole lot easier if you can plan your movie trip before. Here is how to find which films are playing in Bangkok, what the movie times are and which movie theaters in Bangkok are showing what movie.

Cinematic – One of the best ways to find out movie showtimes in Bangkok is by getting online and looking at Cinematic. A Thailand-based site, they have listings for every movie theater in Bangkok, even the art theaters, as well as theaters all over the rest of Thailand. You will also get links to the cinema’s website, a map and directions and indication if the movie has English subtitles.

Major Cineplex – One of Thailand’s main movie theater chain, with movie theaters in shopping malls all over the country, Major Cineplex has a nice website too. Here, you can check which movies are showing at malls like Esplanade or Siam Paragon, what the movie times are and watch video trailers. Major Cineplex also runs excellent promotions, so do check here for deals on ticket prices before showing up.

If you have questions, they also have a list of phone numbers for each of their movie theaters in Bangkok — although it may be difficult finding someone who speaks good enough English to answer.

SF Cinema – SF Cinemas is Thailand’s other main movie chain, with locations at the shopping malls Major Cineplex isn’t at.  Their website is now both in Thai and English, with enough English to figure out movie times and all the other information you need to decide if a movie is worth going to see.

Apex Movie Theaters – This is one of Bangkok’s oldest movie theater chains and its only family-owned chain showing major Hollywood movies. It currently runs two theaters – Scala and Lido. It used to run three, but their third theater, Siam, was burnt down during anti-government demonstrations in 2010.

If you want a good deal for your money, your best bet is to see a movie at one of Apex’ theaters, as they really do have some of the cheapest movie tickets in Bangkok. You also get a lovely old-fashioned movie experience.