ThaiTel Calling Cards: Cheap Phone Calls To USA From Thailand

thai tel calling cards


One of the cheapest and best ways to call Thailand from the United States. or many other countries in the world, is to buy a calling card through a company called Thaitel.Thaitel has been in existence for more than 10 years and, out of all the companies selling calling cards for the purpose of calling Thailand, Thaitel is one of the best. I’ve been buying Thaitel calling cards to both call Thailand from the US and the US from Thailand for eight years and, during that time, have not found another phone card company that’s better.

How to Buy Calling Card Through Thaitel – Buying a phone card from the USA or more than 50 other countries to call someone in Thailand, is as easy as going to Thaitel’s website. Once you get to the site, browse through the many different types of calling cards they sell, choose the one that offers the features you need and click on ‘Buy’. Then go through their secure server and pay by either credit card or debit card. Your payment goes through their service and, within 2-3 minutes, you’ll receive an e-mail confirming your purchase and a second e-mail right after it telling you which 1-800 phone numbers to use to call Thailand plus your PIN number. You can call Thailand immediately. The whole process takes less than five minutes.

Cost of Calling Cards From USA to Thailand – Depending on the features you want, Thaitel has many different kinds of phone cards to choose from, all of which come with varying prices. Some include tax, some do not, some calling cards round each phone call you make up to the next three minutes, others only round up to the next minute. Some phone cards are cheaper to call landlines and others are better to use for calling cell phones.

When you buy a calling card from Thaitel just make sure you check all the features each card has before buying, as they are all listed and easy to understand, in the information for each card. I buy calling cards for my parents every month, so they can call me in Bangkok. The average price per minute for each phone call is around 2.5 cents per minute, but rates change monthly so, every time you order a new calling card check the new rates for other cards too, as they may be even cheaper.

The More You Buy the Cheaper It Is – Thaitel has great deals for calling cards the more money you spend. If you buy a calling card for $20, you normally pay $20. If you buy one for $40 you pay only $38, as you get a $2 discount. For $100, you only pay $90 and on and on. If you’re going to be calling Thailand a lot it’s cheaper to buy a calling card for a higher price as you get a better discount.

All Cards Are Rechargeable – Every Thaitel phone card is rechargeable and you can set it up either to automatically recharge your credit card when your card value is down to a certain amount, or you can just recharge yourself on the internet, which takes 2-3 minutes and immediately adds value to your calling card.

Thaitel Gives You Points – For every Thaitel calling card you buy you are given points. As the points accumulate, you can trade them in for prizes including CDs, DVDs, free Thaitel calling cards, electronics – even plane tickets if you buy a lot of calling cards. In the time I’ve been with Thaitel, I usually earn enough to trade in my points every year for at least one free calling card.

Countries You Can Call Thailand From – Thaitel cards can be used not only from the USA but also from more than 50 other countries including the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, Malysia, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and many more.

Calling From Thailand To Another Country – I also buy calling cards from Thaitel to call my parents and friends in the USA. They always have incredibly cheap rates so I normally buy cards that give me phone calls from Thailand to the US for approximately .25 cents per minute (one quarter of one cent), yes, they’re that cheap. I recently bought a calling card from Thaitel so I could call the US and one $3 Thaitel calling card allowed me to make five phone calls, with each phone call lasting more than 45 minutes – for $3. You cannot beat Thaitel. Nobody can.

Thaitel is an Honest Company – In eight years of using Thaitel for all my Thailand phone calls, I have never once had a problem. I would estimate in that time I’ve bought more than 100 calling cards, yet I’ve never been overcharged, never had connection problems and receive my new calling card and PIN number in my email box within two minutes of paying for it.

Thaitel is absolutely the best telephone calling card company I’ve ever used. They are based in California, offer wonderful customer service (they even have a live help online if you have problems, and offer the cheapest phone cards you’ll find anywhere.


Thaitel – Thaitel’s website where you can order all their calling cards