3,224 Thais with serious side effects after Covid-19 vaccines compensated millions of baht

While drug companies continue to insist the Covid-19 vaccines currently on the market are ‘safe’, millions of people around the world have reported suffering serious side effects after being vaccinated.

Tens of thousands of deaths after Covid vaccination have also been reported.

This week, Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO) announced it has paid out a total of 157.29 million baht to 3,224 Thais who suffered serious side effects after being vaccinated against Covid-19.

The 3,224 are out of 4,333 people who reported Covid vaccine side effects, including 1,004 people whose claims were rejected.

The money, approximately $4,780,950, was paid out in various amounts depending on the severity of the side effects.

Payments were made in higher amounts if the victim would require ongoing treatment due to the Covid vaccine side effects they were experiencing.

In the case of 2,892 people reporting Covid vaccine side effects in Thailand, that amounted to around 100,000 baht per person (or $3,040).

For the 21 Thais who had side effects that led to a severe disability or loss of a limb, the amount increased to a maximum of 240,000 baht ($7,290).

For those who had a permanent disability, or who had died after being vaccinated against Covid-19, the maximum payout was 400,000 baht ($12,160). Amounts similar to this were paid to 311 people.


One of the vaccines that has caused side effects around the world

Of course, in typical government speak, NHSO Secretary-General Dr. Jadet Thammathat-Aree insisted although financial compensation had been made, it did not mean it had been proven the side effects are a direct consequence of the vaccines, or that the vaccines are at fault.

A narrative that seems to be occurring around the world as victims of Covid-19 vaccines attempt to get justice.

Justice that will not be given by the manufacturers of the vaccines, as they have been awarded complete immunity from prosecution by most governments for up to 10 years due to a contract negotiated by them with government representatives.

In the United States alone, as of July 21st, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received at least 6,207 reports of death after administration of a Covid-19 vaccine.

Over 5,200 deaths after Covid-19 vaccination were also reported in the EU during a similar timeframe, as well as 407,248 people experiencing side effects.