A Great Education at Fahkwang Waldorf Kindergarten and Grade School, Chiang Mai, Thailand

fakhwang waldorf school chiang mai


If you are parents of small children and living in Chiang Mai, Thailand or planning on doing so soon, you may be very happy to know there is a Waldorf school in Chiang Mai. Called Fahkwang Waldorf Kindergarten and Grade School, it follows the principles of the Waldorf education system with the use of simple natural materials as ‘toys’, the idea that a teacher is a role-model, children should be taught self-discipline and that everyone should be loved.

The Fahkwang Waldorf Kindergarten and Grade School offers activities like bread-making, watercolor painting, singing and cleaning (there’s that self-discipline) for kindergarten kids, and drawing, maths, Thai and skill games (and cleaning again!) for the grade school kids. It also emphasizes the idea of ‘free-play’ as a great way to learn.

Fahkwang Waldorf has small classes, a great mix of both Thai and non-Thai children attending the school, and offers a safe, fun and loving environment where your kids really will learn to be stable, secure. loving and self-sufficient people.

For more information about the Fahkwang Waldorf Kindergarten and Grade School in Chiang Mai, take a quick look at their website. It’s mainly in Thai, but there is some English information and, if you want to know more about the school, just click on the Contact section and ask for it.

Meanwhile, watch this extremely cute video of kids from Fahkwang Waldorf Kindergarten and Grade School performing for their parents. Adorable.