Air Asia Moving Flights to Don Mueang: Airport to be for Low-Cost Carriers


I’m so excited. After Airports of Thailand (AoT) came up with some great incentives, Air Asia has agreed to move all its flights out of Suvarnabhumi Airport and back to Don Mueang. As I fly Air Asia a lot, and I live 10 minutes from Don Mueang, I could not be happier! Air Asia will begin flying out of Don Mueang Airport on October 1st. Yay!! No more schlepping halfway across Bangkok to Suvarnabhumi Airport for me!

Airports of Thailand (AoT) is targeting 14 low-cost carriersĀ  and coming up with a list of incentives for them to also move to Don Mueang. Congestion at Suvarnabhumi Airport is ridiculous, so it makes sense to move the budget airlines to Don Mueang to reduce Suvarnabhumi passenger numbers, and set up as a hub for low-cost/budget carriers. Hopefully, all 14 airlines will agree.

Incentives the 14 budget airlines will get include a reduction of landing/parking fees, space rental and service charges.

Meanwhile AoT is hoping moving the budget airlines to Don Mueang will bring in at least 500 million baht per year in revenue. If they keep the prices down at airport shops, instead of charging the ridiculously expensive prices that Suvarnabhumi charges, maybe it will.

Not only will moving budget airlines to Don Mueang help Suvarnabhumi and the low-cost carriers, it will also help people in the Don Mueang area, as housing prices fell in many areas once the airport moved away. One of my friends’ houses lost 20 percent of its value when every airline relocated to Suvarnabhumi Airport when it opened, and it hasn’t recovered much since.

But, yay, Air Asia is moving to Don Mueang Airport. Give me a minute while I do a happy dance.