Bangkok Kentucky Fried Chicken Value Sets are Cheap and Delicious

kentucky fried chicken value meal bangkok


I never ever ever eat at American restaurants or fast food chains in Bangkok. That’s because I prefer to support local Thai restaurant owners, and don’t usually eat unhealthy fast food. That being said, I do occasionally make an exception for Bangkok’s Kentucky Fried Chicken Value Sets as many of them are cheap and delicious.

For 159 baht, for instance, or $4.95 with current exchange rates (32.1 baht to the US dollar), I ate a Kentucky Fried Chicken Value Set in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago that included all this:

a large piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken

1 chicken Zinger Burger

an order of French fries

a side order of coleslaw

and a large Pepsi


KFC value meal Bangkok


To say I was stuffed to the brim at the end of it is an understatement. Plus it was delicious as everything arrived hot, the chicken was crunchy and tasty, and the Zinger Burger was extremely flavorful so, of course, I ate it all.

So, am I going to be eating Kentucky Fried Chicken Value Sets in Bangkok several times a week? Absolutely not. They’re far too unhealthy.

But, once a month for a nice treat and a quick meal, I think 159 baht is an exceptional deal.