California WoW in Thailand is one of the most dishonest companies in the country. I wouldn’t touch their services with a 10-foot pole as from everything I’ve read, seen and experienced, California WoW is one of the worst fitness center companies around. So, a new and very honest article from The Bangkok Post today slamming California WoW today for its dishonest business practices, its aggressive sales strategies and it’s outright scams of thousands of Thai customers was nice to see.
Just in case you don’t know the story, in the last few months California WoW has closed all but one of its Bangkok branches. Even though thousands of Thais paid for monthly, annual and life memberships at these seven branches.
The reason they closed all their branches, after originally blaming the landlords (amazing how seven different landlords were supposedly to blame!) is because California WoW in Bangkok had not been paying their rent. To anyone.
Why? Because the fitness center company is having major financial problems
That’s why, with no rent payments having been made for several months, landlords refused to allow California WoW and their customers access to gyms and fitness centers. Can you blame them?
In response to thousands of California WoW customers complaining after their particular Bangkok fitness center branch was closed down, the company then told them they can use the branch at Siam Paragon — the only Bangkok branch still open. But, for an extra fee, of course. After all, when you’ve scammed your customers over and over again already, what’s just one more little scam?
Of course, thousands of Thai customers have now gone to the Consumer Protection Foundation in Thailand for help but, as California WoW has yet to declare bankruptcy, many of them are still stuck paying pre-agreed upon monthly fees — even though there is no longer a California WoW fitness center they can workout at.
Apparently, screwed up Thai credit card laws mean you can’t renege on a pre-approved contract, even though the company you signed the contract with is no longer providing the services you paid for. Not until the company declares bankruptcy, that is. How screwed up is that?
Meanwhile, for anyone considering signing up for a membership at California WoW in Bangkok, or for anyone being harassed with their extremely aggressive sales strategies, run don’t walk away from this terrible company. Unless you enjoy being caught up in one gigantic scam, that is.
After all, let’s face it, California WoW’s days are numbered in Bangkok. In fact, it’s only a matter of time before the Siam Paragon California WoW branch closes down as well and the owner of the company is sued for fraud.