CP Group Will Offer 6,600 Scholarships to Thai Students This Year

Just some of the hundreds of tasty food products CP sells in Thailand


Interesting news from one of Thailand’s biggest companies today. CP Group (Charoen Pokphand Group), owners of the 7-11 stores in Thailand and the CP food brand among many other businesses, has announced they will be awarding 6,600 scholarships this year to Thai students who wish to study business.

5,400 of the CP Group scholarships will be given to students for study at the first year of a vocational certificate in a retail business programme somewhere in Thailand. The remaining 1,200 scholarships will be awarded to students in bachelor’s degree programmes at Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) in Nonthaburi.

Why 6,600 scholarships, which is kind of an odd number? CP Group hasn’t actually said, although it could have something to do with ‘lucky numbers’?

CP has also said they are going to expand their outreach to students in rural areas, allowing them to get scholarships and then also to intern in one of their 7-11 stores to get work experience. Good for them. It’s nice to see a company this concerned with education and willing to put up the money to support it.

All I can say is I’m probably funding several of these CP scholarship students myself as, over a year’s time, I spend at least a thousand dollars at 7-11s in Thailand. I absolutely love Thai 7-11s as, for convenience, huge variety of products, and price, you really cannot beat them.

Meanwhile, here is a video of one of Thailand’s 7-11. They’re the best places in the world.