Don Mueang Airport Closes Due to Floods – Nok Air Suspends Service, Orient Thai Moves to Suvarnabhumi

Don Mueang Airport – copyright Mattes, Creative Commons

Bangkok’s Don Mueang Airport has finally given up the ghost. After struggling since Friday to remain open and to keep flights up in the air, the airport has finally announced it just cannot do it anymore, and closed at 7pm tonight.

Don Mueang Airport has been under some water since Friday, in Bangkok’s worst flooding in more than 60 years, but the situation came to a head today when floods were worsening.

Authorities realized problems for passengers arriving and departing were becoming worse, and when the government discovered at least  1.5 meters of water will arrive there in the next 24 hours, the decision was made to close.

If you have a flight through Nok Air flying out of Don Mueang, the airline has suspended service completely for any flights planned in or out of Don Mueang.

For refunds or questions, you’ll need to contact Nok Air. You can find details at their website.  Flights will be cancelled through at least October 31st.

As for Orient Thai, they announced they have moved their entire operation to Suvarnabhumi Airport, on the other side of Bangkok. If you have a flight scheduled with them, contact them as the flight times will likely have changed.

Meanwhile, stay away from the Don Mueang area if you possibly can. More run-off flood water will arrive from Ayutthaya and the rest of the north tomorrow and floods are expected to be even worse.