Easy to Make Thai Appetizers From the Hairy Biker’s Christmas Party (Video)

Thai appetizers vegetarian fish cakes


These three Thai appetizers are incredibly easy to make and awesomely delicious

If you’re looking for easy to make Thai appetizers for your holiday parties, you can’t go wrong with these three amazing finger foods cooked up by Thai chef Tuk Wall on the BBC’s ‘The Hairy Biker’s Christmas Party‘.

Tuk, a chef who prepares amazing Thai food, now lives in the UK, where she shares her traditional Thai recipes with anyone who loves the world’s most popular cuisine.

She pops up on the BBC now and again, and this time she’s with David Myers and Simon King (The Hairy Bikers) sharing her recipes for crispy Thai prawns, chicken wings and vegetarian ‘fish’ cakes.

All three of these delicious Thai appetizers are readily available all over Thailand at thousands of street food stalls and restaurants. I’ve eaten them hundreds of times and, frankly, never found a batch I didn’t love.

Making them in your own kitchen, however, is just as easy as buying them at a Bangkok or Chiang Mai street stall, as each Thai appetizer only takes minutes to prepare and cook, with simple ingredients and a few traditional Thai additions like lemongrass, oyster sauce, ginger, sweet basil and dried chillis.

Check out The Hairy Biker’s Christmas Party video below to learn how to make these amazing Thai appetizers. Just 15 minutes in your kitchen, and you should have three delicious finger foods every guest will love.