Phuket passes 5,000 Covid-19 cases as Bangkok reports record deaths

With a total of 242 new Covid-19 cases on Phuket reported today by the Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO), that number now pushes the Phuket past 5,000 Covid-19 cases for the first time since April 3rd.

Another 25 people tested positive for Covid via an antigen test kit, but those positive results still need to be confirmed or refuted with an RT-PCR test.

The latest new caseload was for yesterday, Friday, September 4th, 2021, and brings the Thai island’s total to 5,014 people testing positive for the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Bangkok recorded record deaths yesterday, with 57 more people dying in the Thai capital.

No new Covid-related deaths were reported on Phuket yesterday, however, but the latest cases are 7 more than the previous day’s, meaning Covid-19 cases on Phuket are still continuing to rise.

None of the 393 international tourists arriving via the Phuket Sandbox yesterday tested positive.  (continue reading below…)

Average monthly income on Phuket in 2021 is 1,961 baht — that’s a shocking $60

One of the more worrying figures, however, is the jump in the hospital bed occupancy rate on Phuket.

That number increased by 188 people from the previous 24 hours, which brings the total number of beds occupied in Phuket hospitals due to Covid-19 to 76.33% of the total currently available.


Numbers of international visitors who have arrived on Phuket via the Phuket Sandbox, — Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

Meanwhile, as Covid-19 cases on Phuket continue to rise, the Phuket Sandbox is still continuing, albeit with lower numbers than when it first kicked off.

A total of 27,609 people have made use of the Sandbox since it began on July 1st, an average of around 13,000 a month.

85 of those have tested positive for Covid-19 either upon arrival or at some time during their stay.