Princess Sirindhorn Recovering in Hospital After Operation for Kidney Stone

Thailand’s Princess Sirindhorn — copyright Abhisit Vejjajiva, Creative Commons License


Princess Sirindhorn recovering from kidney stone operation

Thailand’s Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is recovering at Chulalongkorn Hospital in Bangkok today after an operation this week to remove a kidney stone the Royal House Bureau has just announced.

Many Thais I know were worried as Princess Sirindhorn is a very popular member of the Thai royal family, and had been admitted to hospital on Friday with stomach pains and a high fever.

Doctors discovered quickly what the problem was, however, and surgery was done to remove the stone using a procedure called percutaneous nephrolithotomy, which is generally used for larger kidney stones. The procedure usually takes less than an hour.

There’s no word yet on when Princess Sirindhorn will be released from hospital, but it’s likely to be in the next few days.

Glad to hear she should soon be back to good health, as she really is lovely and one of the most hard-working royals in the world. In fact, so loved is Princess Sirindhorn in Thailand for everything she does for Thailand that most Thais refer to her as “Phra Thep”, which literally means “Princess Angel”.

In fact, there’s a very interesting CNN video about Thailand’s Princess Angel showing just how hard-working she is.