Smooth Ass Silk: New Thai Bicycle Cream Keeps Your Butt Chafe-Free

smooth ass silk


If you’ve ever ridden a bicycle for a long period of time, you’ve probably suffered from a chapped ass. In Thailand, you’ll find that problem gets even worse. Yes, all that friction combined with the ever warming nether regions due to the extreme tropical heat will cause your butt to chap and crack and, in severe cases, can be extremely painful. That’s why I thought a new Thai product “Smooth Ass Silk” cycling creme was an amazing idea.

I found Smooth Ass Silk cycling cream from a link from Richard Barrow’s blog about Thailand, who mentioned the product as it was created by some of his friends. Smooth Ass Silk, of course, is an extremely clever play on the Thai Airways’ slogan “Smooth As Silk” so you know you’re dealing with some pretty smart folks.

Smooth Ass Silk is a new product just being launched on the Thai market for those who spend a lot of time cycling. It’s a creme that will help you enjoy a chafe-free cycling experience. As cycling in Thailand is becoming ever more popular, it’s hitting the market at the right time.

All you do is rub the creme onto your posterior before venturing out on your bike and, as it reduces friction, it will protect you from the chafing, skin irritation and resulting saddle sores you’ve probably already experienced if you’re an avid cyclist.

You can even request a free sample of Smooth Ass Silk from the company’s website to give it a trial run. How cool is that?

I’m actually wondering if it would be a good product for those of us who spend many hours a day on the computer? I’ve occasionally ended up with a chapped ass when my butt has spent too long in a chair. Smooth Ass Silk could probably do wonders.

The price of Smooth Ass Silk, by the way, is 490 baht for a 100ml tube or around $17.10 at the current exchange rate. A small price to pay, I’d say, for a bit of physical comfort.