Thailand Wuhan virus infections increase to 33, country bans Dutch cruise ship from docking

A Thai boat operator who says Chinese tourists in Thailand are down by 90%

A new case of Wuhan virus infection has been reported in Thailand today, with a Chinese national testing positive for the coronavirus in Nonthaburi.

Accoriding to Thai health officials, the latest case is that of a 54-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan who was put in quarantine after coming into contact with another Chinese virus patient while in Thailand.

That brings Thailand’s Wuhan virus infections up to 33.

Meanwhile, the Thai Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul says he has issued orders to refuse docking permission to a Dutch-flagged cruise ship due to fears passengers may be infected with the Wuhan virus.

A slightly odd decision to some as, not only does the cruise line Holland America say they do not have a single case of Wuhan virus infection on board, but the Thai government is still allowing several thousand Chinese nationals to enter Thailand daily with little more than quick screenings at airports and land borders.

Chinese tourists leaving Bangkok’s Grand Palace

In Thailand, however, it has often seemed there is one rule for the Chinese and one rule for everyone else. Much of that is due to the amount of money the usual 600,000 Chinese tourists bring into Thailand every month.

This sees to have been confirmed this month with the Thai government’s refusal to ban Chinese visitors until the coronavirus has been proven to be under control.

A ban or a partial-ban that has already gone into effect in Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Canada, the UK, the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Thailand has said it will only allow Chinese visitors into the country that can certify they have good health. What that means, however, is a little unclear.

It is also not particularly comforting to many Thais, or to non-Thais living in or visiting Thailand, as the latest news about the coronavirus now seems to suggest incubation of the virus can be up to 24 days.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths due to the coronavirus in China increased to 1,018 today after more than 100 deaths were reported yesterday.

There are another 42,644 confirmed infections by the coronavirus in China. A rate that is rising by between 1,500 and 3,000 cases per day.

Thailand’s Wuhan virus infections have, so far, remained relatively low. Particularly considering the large number of Chinese usually entering the country.