Thailand’s Cuttlefish Flavored Crispy Green Peas Are Surprisingly Delicious

cuttlefish flavored crispy green pea snacks

BB Snacks’ Cuttlefish Flavored Crispy Green Peas are very very tasty

When I first moved to Thailand a decade ago, if you’d told me I’d be eating things like Cuttlefish Flavored Crispy Green Peas by BB Snacks, and actually enjoying them, I would have said you were off your rocker.

Even today, when I opened a packet of Cuttlefish Flavored Crispy Green Peas and took my first mouthful, my first reaction was “Yek”. But, by the time I’d gone through several mouthfuls and found the packet almost empty, I have to admit, they are surprisingly delicious.

What are they and why would anyone buy them?

I picked up my packet of BB Snacks’ Cuttlefish Flavored Crispy Green Peas at my local Bangkok supermarket last week as, every time I go grocery shopping in Thailand, I have one criteria I must complete. That is to buy something I’ve never eaten before, just to broaden my horizons or, at least my taste buds, you might say. Last week it was this small 40g packet of crispy green pea snacks.

Flavored crispy green peas that are nothing more than hard, crispy, dried green peas that have been covered with a cuttlefish flavoring mix.

While it probably sounds disgusting to you, if you’re not Thai or don’t like cuttlefish, or anything with a strong fishy taste, most Thais not only love fish, they add it to hundreds of different foods and snack foods, including these.

So much so that this flavor of dried green pea snacks is one of the top selling Thai snacks in many areas of the country.

Flavor-wise, once I got used to the unusual taste, I enjoyed them and will definitely be buying them again.

Calorie-wise, too, they’re a good snack choice as, unlike a packet of potato chips that packs at least 270 calories and has a lot more fat, these BB Snacks’ cuttlefish green peas only have a total of 160 calories and, as they’re much more filling than potato chips, you feel more satisfied.

Where can you buy Cuttlefish Flavored Crispy Green Pea snacks?

If you’d like to try them, you can pick them up at many supermarkets around Thailand as well as at mom and pop stores and many 7-11 branches. I bought mine at a branch of Big C supermarket, where they were currently selling for 9 baht or 34 cents.

If you’d like to buy them in bulk (well, you might own a snack shop), you can order them in bulk direct from BB Snacks.