The Top 10 Cheap Restaurants in Chiang Mai, Thailand 2017 — Delicious and Inexpensive

Top 10 cheap restaurants in Chiang Mai, Thailand in 2017

If you are soon going to be heading to Chiang Mai, Thailand, or you are already there and looking for cheap Chiang Mai restaurants to eat at in 2017, there is an excellent video from Psycho Traveller that you really should watch. Because in it she lists her top 10 cheap restaurants in Chiang Mai and, I have to say, I have eaten at all of them and I agree with every one.

And sure, she made this video a couple of months ago, in September, 2016, but her picks are just as valid for cheap Chiang Mai restaurants in 2017. Because most of these places have been around for ages and, in Thailand, prices really do not go up that much. If at all.

Psycho Traveller showcases cheap Chiang Mai restaurants like Blue Diamond (which has a massive menu, a fabulous bakery and caters to just about anyone — meat eater, Italian food lover, Thai food lover, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free eater), By Hand Pizza Cafe (one of the best places for pizza I have eaten at in all of Thailand, let alone Chiang Mai), and Accha Indian Restaurant (amazing Indian food and, sure, the Thais aren’t huge fans of Indian food, but I am, and this restaurant is fabulous).

She also recommends Salsa Kitchen (my favorite Mexican restaurant in Chiang Mai), and Taste From Heaven (perfect if you are vegetarian or vegan as that is what they serve, as well as baking the best brownies (vegan) in Chiang Mai).

Price-wise, these places range from 50-60 baht for a meal at a market stall or a food stall to 250 baht for a massive burrito at Salsa Kitchen.

That means there is something in a good price range for everyone, and even the higher priced meals are still dirt cheap when you consider how enormous are the portions that these restaurants serve.

Watch Psycho Traveller’s video on the top 10 cheap restaurants in Chiang Mai below, as she really has nailed them. Plus, she’s funny to watch.

As for the opening days and times of each of her restaurant picks, you can find all that on her website.