True Move Apple iPhone 5 Exhibit at Siam Paragon in Bangkok, Thailand


With the iPhone 5 ready to officially hit Bangkok, Thailand shelves today, True Move is out in a big way with its promotion of the new Apple phone. They’ve erected an enormous exhibit tent on prime real estate right in between two of Bangkok’s most popular malls, Siam Paragon and Siam Center, and directly opposite two of the main platforms for the BTS sky train and that’s where they will be doing the official kick-off of their service for the new iPhone.

The tent is illuminated, has music playing, lots of sales talk going on and half of Bangkok seemed to be walking in or out of it during the few minutes I watched the goings on.

Let’s face it, the Apple iPhone 5 is likely to be a huge seller in Bangkok and all over Thailand, even though it’s going to be selling for at least $150 more than in the US. Thais love to buy the latest phone and with some Thais literally upgrading phones every couple of months, you can guarantee tens of thousands of them will already have their eyes on the iPhone 5. The first weekend the iPhone goes on sale in Bangkok is probably as good a day to buy it as any, especially as True Move is making it so easy for you to do so.

Meanwhile, if you want to check out the new iPhone in Bangkok just to see if it’s worth buying or not, as well as see all the cool displays Apple has up, enter giveaways etc. the True Move Apple iPhone 5 exhibit (tent? Illuminated thingy? Big show-off gizmo?) will be up next to Siam Paragon through the weekend.

Have fun!