TVA coconut milk company not involved with methamphetamine smuggled into Australia Thaveevong Agriculture says

Typical cans of TVA coconut milk — TVA Coconuts’ Facebook page

The Thai coconut milk manufacturer Thaveevong Agriculture Co is stressing they were not involved with methamphetamine being smuggled into Australia in cans of the company’s  TVA coconut milk.

The announcement from the coconut milk manufacturer came after hundreds of liters of methamphetamine were discovered in cans of Thai coconut milk in a New South Wales warehouse late last week. Two Australian residents, a man and a woman, were charged with a drug-related crime and could face life in prison.

Thaveevong also pointed out the photos of the TVA coconut milk that were shown in Australian newspapers were labeled differently than those they export and even had completely different lids.

As canning and labeling is quite simple with a canning machine and labeling facilities, and as some of the labels and cans shown by Australian police appear to be corroded or damaged, that seems to suggest they were not canned correctly or that cans of TVA coconut milk could have been opened and then re-sealed. (See video below)

As most Thai exports leave Thailand in pristine condition, it is not too difficult to believe what the manufacturers of Thaveera coconut milk say.


Some of the Thaveera coconut milk cans shown by the Australian Federal Police appear to be corroded and damaged

Australian police will be conducting a full investigation, however, as they believe an international drug smuggling organization is likely behind the crime.

Meanwhile, Thaveevong has already announced they will be seeking legal action to clear the company’s name, as they say stories about the coconut milk drug bust have severely damaged both their reputation and their sales.