What Happened to Kraft Mayonnaise in Thailand?


One of the things I absolutely must have if I’m to survive forever in Thailand is real western mayonnaise. The Thai version is disgusting – sweet, oily and gross – Miracle Whip is foul, and Hellmann’s mayonnaise disappeared off most Thai grocery store shelves years ago. But, Kraft Mayonnaise has always been a delicious close second, so that’s what I’ve bought. For more than six years now. Until this month, that is.

All of a sudden, Kraft Mayonnaise seems to have completely disappeared from every supermarket shelf in Bangkok. Where on earth is it?

Big C at Ladprao (formerly Carrefour) doesn’t have it.  Carrefour always stocked it, so Big C is already not my favorite place to shop, and they’ve only been in existence at that location for a few weeks.

Villa supermarket had it, although they’re more expensive than other places, so I don’t shop there often. Even Tesco Lotus, that vile killer of mom and pop stores, stocked it if you really needed it in a pinch. But now? No Kraft Mayonnaise. Anywhere.

So, please. If any of our readers know where to buy Kraft Mayonnaise in Bangkok, leave a comment here.  Our grilled chicken sandwiches without mayonnaise tasted like crap at lunch time, but it will be a cold day in hell before we ever buy a jar of the Thai version. Nasty. Nasty. Nasty.

Please help us.  Kraft Mayonnaise withdrawal is heeeeeeell.


Update July 29, 2011 – I’m happy to say Kraft Mayonnaise is now back on Thailand’s grocery shelves. Praise Buddha. I’ve managed to pick it up at Tesco Lotus, Villa and Gourmet Market. So, no more mayonnaise crisis here.