When is the Worst Time of Year to Visit Thailand?

dogs bangkok thailand
It’s so hot in April in Thailand, all you want to do is lie down and sleep.


If you’re thinking of taking a trip to the Land of Smiles, one of the things you may be wondering about is when is the worst time of year to visit Thailand? As, if you know that, you’re not likely to book your holiday for then. Luckily, I can tell you.

While there isn’t really a worst time of year to visit Thailand, as Thailand really is lovely all year round, the one month I always recommend to not take a vacation to the Land of Smiles is now — April.

April is the worst time of year to visit Thailand, not because it’s dangerous, it’s raining or most of the tourist attractions are closed — no, none of those reasons. Basically, you don’t want to visit Thailand in April because it’s so darned hot.

Officially the country’s hottest month, the weather in April in Thailand is unbearable. It’s almost 90 degrees by the time you get up and, at mid-morning, has already climbed to the mid-90s and above. Today, April 7th, 2013, we are expecting a high temperature of 101 degrees and, with the horrendous humidity Thailand has at this time of year, let me tell you it feels a lot hotter.

So, unless you absolutely love baking in the sun, feeling lethargic and tired all the time and frying like a slab of bacon if you lie on the beach, don’t book a holiday to Thailand in April, you really may live to regret it.

The best time of year to visit Thailand? Any month except April. (The coolest months are mid-October until early March and, yes, they really are lovely).