Where is the Best Bruschetta in Thailand?

bruschetta thailand


Anyone who loves Italian food, is a vegetarian or a vegan, or just enjoys healthy food probably loves eating bruschetta. One of my favorite appetizers or even light meals, bruschetta is inexpensive to buy, healthy (and tasty) to eat and is eaten in restaurants all over the world — so pretty easy to find. Even in Thailand. If you’re going to be visiting the Land of Smiles, though, and love bruschetta, where is the best bruschetta in Thailand?

Well…….lately, that would be in my kitchen.

I’ve just recently become vegetarian. As a way to become healthier, as well as not to contribute to the cruel and destructive animal farming industry, I decided becoming vegetarian was something I felt strongly about. That means I’ve been cutting out of my diet hundreds of my favorite foods in the last couple of weeks, Luckily, bruschetta doesn’t have to be one of them.

In fact, not only have I eaten amazing bruschetta at Greyhound Cafe in Bangkok this last week, I’ve even made it in my own kitchen. Twice.

After all, bruschetta is cheap to buy the ingredients for almost anywhere in the world, but especially in Thailand. It’s also easy to make.

All you need is a loaf of your favorite bread (one without any animal products, if you’re vegan), a couple of tomatoes, some raw onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a few basil leaves.

I just bought all these ingredients at my local Bangkok supermarket today and was amazed to see how cheap it was — just 53 baht (or $1.80) for the bread, the vegetables and the garlic, and that was enough to make bruschetta for three meals!

The olive oil and the balsamic vinegar cost an extra 200 baht ($6.77), but I calculated that’s enough for around 30-40 servings of bruschetta. You don’t get much cheaper meals than that!

If you don’t feel like making your own bruschetta while you’re in Thailand, however, there are two amazing restaurants I recommend. The aforementioned Greyhound Cafe in Bangkok makes incredible bruschetta (both vegetarian and pork or chicken) and, if you’re in Chiang Mai, check out Dada Cafe. They’re known for making the best bruchetta in that city.