Quick Tips To Make Sure You Have A Fabulous Vacation in Thailand

Don’t forget to take a boat down the Chao Praya River – lots of fun.


If you’re planning on booking a vacation to Thailand, there are some quick tips you should follow to make sure you have the best vacation ever.

Learn Some Thai – Although some people will tell you Thais speak English, honestly, most of them don’t speak much. So, if you want to be able to communicate once you’re in Thailand on vacation, learn a few basic Thai words before you get here and your experience will be even more fun. Simple words like “Hello”,  “Thank you”, “How are you?”, and “Delicious” will make Thai people love you and you’ll probably get offered cheaper prices too!

Pack Lightweight, Cotton Clothing – Thailand is probably the hottest country you’ll ever experience and, if you don’t pack the right clothing, your vacation could be miserable.  Make sure you pack thin clothing, preferably made of cotton and in light colors if possible. Thailand is not only hot it’s as humid as hell so, if you’re wearing thick, hot clothing you’ll soon be sweaty and very uncomfortable. Also remember, Thailand is a conservative country so don’t pack revealing, too short or see-through clothing, particularly if you’re planning on visiting temples, as looking vulgar and cheap really isn’t appreciated by the locals.

Eat Food at Street Stalls – The best (and cheapest) food in Thailand is served at Thai street stalls. With foods like pad thai, som tam (spicy papaya salad), noodles, fried rice, mango and sticky rice, chicken satay and many other delights, there’s no reason to spend loads of money in expensive restaurants.  Thais eat at street stalls no matter what their income level and, if you want to experience the ‘real Thai taste’, there’s no better way than eating a meal at the side of the road.

Take Public Transportation – Don’t spend all your time sitting in an air conditioned taxi. Public transportation is better.  Bangkok has the sky train, underground, buses, boats and motorcycle taxis. They’re all cheap ways to get around and you’ll meet Thai locals. Plus, if you go on the river boats, you’ll get a chance to see traditional Thai river life, like nothing you’ve ever seen before.