The best documentary about Bangkok, Thailand? DW has done a brilliant job

The best documentary about Bangkok, Thailand? The German broadcaster DW has done an exceptional job in this almost 30 minute offering

Even though I have lived in Bangkok for more than 14 years, I still love to watch documentaries about the city I love more than anywhere else in the world. A city of such incredible contrasts, you have to be here for a while to begin to understand it.

Documentaries about Bangkok are often produced, from all different perspectives.

Some are well done and accurate with the information they share, while others are poorly conceived and filmed and share nothing but lies about an aspect of the city the filmmaker apparently did not like.

That is why, when I came across this incredibly well-done documentary about Bangkok, Thailand a few days ago, I had to share. As it is a documentary that shows Bangkok in all its glory, and sometimes some of its negative side as well.

The report was put together by the German news channel Deutsche Welle (DW), and shows everything in Bangkok from the every-10-year conservation that is done at Wat Arun, to how to take tuk-tuks, how you can visit Bangkok’s Airplane Graveyard, why Lumphini Park is where so many people go to exercise every day and why you should take a boat on one of Bangkok’s klongs (canals).

Want to learn about why Bangkok is the Thai capital? DW tells you that.  Would love to know why everyone in Bangkok (and in much of Thailand as well) comes to a complete standstill at 6pm every evening? Yep, they explain that as well.

The DW documentary about Bangkok is just less than 30 minutes in length, so it doesn’t cover a huge part of the city or what goes on in it, but as a starter to learn just a little bit about this amazing Asian city before you travel here, and to see some beautiful filming around the city, it is perfect.

Watch it below.

Related: What is the typical cost of living in Bangkok, Thailand? How much cheaper is it than America?