Tourists in Thailand could be fined 20,000 baht ($666) for not wearing a mask

Now we have been telling any would-be tourist to Thailand to think carefully about visiting the country in the next few months.

What with all bars, clubs and entertainment facilities closed down, and strict Covid-19 measures in place to such an extent, any memory of a laidback Thailand you still have would quickly be shot down upon arrival.

Today, CCSA spokesperson Apisamai Srirangson warned all tourists to Thailand they must wear masks at all times when they are out in public — that includes outside — and especially if they are in groups.

If not, Apisamai warned, tourists in Thailand could be fined up to 20,000 baht (approximately $666) for the grave violation of not wearing a mask.

“Visitors must comply, or they will be prosecuted”, he said.

Masks, by the way, that have never been proven to stop any virus from being transmitted, let alone Covid-19.

According to Apisamai, the CCSA had been told about these tourists violating Thailand’s mask laws by what they are calling ‘provincial representatives’.

Sounds more like the Gestapo or the KGB, doesn’t it?

And must especially feel like it for visitors coming from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, where a large percentage of the population stopped wearing masks months ago.

And never did wear them outside.

Meanwhile, Thailand wants you to think it is a country welcoming tourists. Whereas many expats still living in the country are saying “Actually, it is more about money at the moment than it is about welcoming people”.

Money they will definitely get if Thailand fines tourists 20,000 baht for not wearing a mask.

And, by the way, if you still think a mask is saving you from contracting Covid-19, the mask test down below that was uploaded to Instagram by an American Navy Vet currently running for public office in the United States should show you all you need to know.

It is the exact same information that was running on Japanese TV last year. The exact same narrative the WHO and CDC had at the beginning of the Covid mess.

Until the world went crazy and panic-stricken politicians ramped up the fear.