1,967 people died in Thailand after 1 Covid jab, 107 died after receiving both jabs

While much of the news media in the west is still insistent nobody is dying of Covid-19 after getting both Covid jabs, Thailand is now one of the country’s reporting exactly the opposite.

According to Thai disease control officials today, the Department of Disease Control has discovered 1,967 people died of Covid after receiving 1 Covid jab, or 14.4% of the total deaths.

Another 107, or 0.8% of total deaths, died of Covid after receiving both jabs.

8,803 deaths, or 64.6% had had neither jab.

That means over 15% of those who have died of Covid-19 in Thailand had had one or both vaccine jabs, proving it is possible to die after being fully vaccinated against the virus.

There were an additional 2,760 deaths, or approximately 20.2% of those who have died, that could not be categorized as vaccinated or unvaccinated due to missing data.

Most of those who died during the period reported on were over the age of 60.

Related: AstraZeneca vaccine ruled to have caused 1 death in Thailand

The Department of Disease Control did not release figures for the brand of vaccine those who died had been given, or whether one brand seems to have been less effective than another.

Meanwhile, another 132 who had also tested positive for Covid-19 died in Thailand on Sunday, bringing the total number of deaths connected to the virus to 14,485 this year.

Yesterday’s daily morality rate is still lower than over the last two weeks. Covid infections are also beginning to fall in the South East Asian country.