Can you get a tattoo in Bangkok, Thailand after November 1st, 2021?

With Thailand slowly beginning to open up to international visitors from November 1st, 2021 onwards, tourists considering traveling to the country are beginning to ask questions about what they can do when they get here.

With strict restrictions still being mandated everywhere in Thailand, including Bangkok, many things will be impossible to do, may close early or may require a negative RT-PCR or ATK result before you can do them.

One thing people are asking when planning a trip to Thailand is “Can you visit tattoo parlors in Bangkok, Thailand after November 1st, 2021?”. Or will they be closed as they have been for most of the last year?

After all, with tattoos in Bangkok being some of the cheapest and best, getting one while on a visit to the city is often on an international visitor’s agenda.

Here then is what you need to know about tattoos in Bangkok in late 2021. But, be aware, as the Thai government has proven since March, 2020, things can quickly change.

Meaning what is possible today may not be tomorrow.


Photo Elf925 via Pixabay

Can you get a tattoo in Bangkok, Thailand after November 1st, 2021?

According to the communicable disease control committee of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), anyone wishing to visit a tattoo parlor in Bangkok or get a tattoo must be either fully vaccinated against Covid-19, or have negative RT-PCR or ATK results that have been given to them within the last 72 hours.

Without a test, you will probably not be admitted into the store, as fines can be high for store owners if found out.

You must also make an appointment before you go to any tattoo parlor in Bangkok, as they are only allowed to open by appointment for the foreseeable future.

Related: Things to consider before getting a tattoo in Bangkok

That’s why, if you do want to get a tattoo while you are in the Thai capital, you may want to contact the tattoo parlor you are interested in via their website or Facebook page before you set off. That way you know your appointment will already be set.

The same goes for beauty clinics, beauty salons and nail salons in Bangkok as well.