Can You Tell a Ladyboy From a Real Thai Girl?

guess the ladyboy


Can you tell a Thai ladyboy from a real Thai girl? I can, or at least I haven’t failed yet. I even have a couple of friends who have ‘ladyboy girlfriends’ and I knew they were ladyboys when I met them. But, I must admit while it’s often easier to tell a ladyboy in Thailand from a real Thai girl in the flesh, it’s not always so easy from a photograph. That’s why I thought the latest post on Thai Blogs was fun.

On it, writer Stephen Cleary asks if you can guess which photograph is of a real Thai woman out of the six others that are ladyboys and, yes, it’s difficult.

When I looked at the photographs, I could immediately pick out four of the women I can guarantee are ladyboys. Hint — it’s something about the shape of their faces and their noses that are just slightly more masculine than a born-as-a-girl Thai woman’s would be.

But choosing the real Thai girl from the remaining three girls is a lot more difficult without being able to see them move or hear them speak. (In the flesh, Thai ladyboys are often easy to spot as, when they are even more flamboyantly female than me, yep, they’re a ladyboy!)

Now, I’ve chosen the girl I think is a real Thai girl and I’ll let you know if I was correct tomorrow when Thai Blogs posts the answer (don’t worry, I don’t cheat :).

What do you think?

Meanwhile, you could help your chances by reading our article How to spot a ladyboy or katoey in Thailand — we have some great tips.

Special Note — And hopefully Stephen Cleary either has the permission of the ‘girls’ in question or has taken the photographs from an already visible source as, otherwise, I don’t think it’s fair to post the girl’s photos. That’s just me though.