How many people died on Thailand roads during ‘Seven Dangerous Days’ New Year 2018 holiday?

It is official. The kingdom’s ‘Seven Dangerous Days’ are over, and the final number of deaths due to traffic accidents in Thailand has been reported.

How many people died on Thailand’s roads during the ‘Seven Dangerous Days’ of the 2017-2018 New Year holiday period? The period running from December 28th to January 3rd?

According to the Road Safety Centre, a total of 423 people died on Thailand’s roads, and 4,005 people were injured nationwide.

The deaths and injuries occurred due to 3,841 traffic accidents, with the largest number of deaths (17) occurring in Nakhon Ratchasima. Si Sa Ket was a close second.

And, while these numbers seem high, especially for a country of around 69 million people, the figures are actually lower than during the same period last year.

In fact, deaths are down 11.5 percent, and road accidents nationwide by 2 percent.

Motorcycles are still the most dangerous form of transportation in Thailand, however, with 78.91 percent of the vehicles involved in accidents over the New Year period being motorbikes.

Drunk driving was the reason why more people died in accidents than any other.

Lack of safety on Thailand’s roads still a serious problem

Don’t forget, however, just because Thailand’s ‘Seven Dangerous Days’ are over, it does not mean it is now safe to drive on Thailand’s roads.

Thailand is still the most dangerous country in the world when it comes to driving on its roads, and also has the highest number of traffic-related deaths per capita in Southeast Asia.

That is why, if you do drive on any of Thailand’s roads at any time of the year, you should always be aware of what is happening around you, and be prepared to stop at a second’s notice to avoid someone who may not drive as well as you hitting you.

And, of course, if you ride a motorbike, always wear a helmet and the correct protective clothing, as you are more likely to be in an accident than any other driver.

Finally, remember, the next most dangerous period on Thailand’s roads will soon be upon us as well.

Songkran, which this year begins on Friday, April 13th.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but that doesn’t sound like a day to look forward to, now does it?