What will the weather be like in Bangkok in February, 2013?
While temperatures in Bangkok, Thailand in February can get pretty hot, in 2013 that may just change. According to the Thai Meteorological Department, temperatures in Bangkok in February, 2013 are expected to stay lower than normal right through till almost the end of the month.
Currently, temperatures in the last few days, and forecast through the next few days, are highs in the low 90s and lows in the high 70s, but with temperatures through much of the day in the mid to high 80s. While that may seem hot to those not used to Bangkok’s normal heat, for Bangkok temperatures in February it’s quite low.
What’s making February, 2013 temperatures in Bangkok seem even cooler, too, is the lack of humidity that we normally get. Most Februaries in Bangkok, and all over Thailand, you’ll see temperatures at 91, 92, or 93 degrees fahrenheit but with a humidity level of 80 or 90 percent.
When it’s like that, the temperature feels like it’s well over 100 degrees, and your clothing sticks to you so much you wouldn’t believe it. At the moment, however, there’s little humidity so it’s much more pleasant.
What type of clothing to wear in Bangkok in February
This means, if you’re planning a trip to Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand, you can get away with wearing light-weight clothing like shorts, short-sleeved shirts, cotton skirts and pants, or dresses. But jeans should also be relatively comfortable, especially if you pair them with a lightweight shirt.
Do be aware, however, the lower than normal February temperatures in Bangkok in 2013 will not likely continue on down into southern Thailand. There, unfortunately, the Meteorological Department says it’s going to be as hot as ever.
In case you’re planning on visiting Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand at a different time of year as well, don’t miss reading Best Times of the Year to Visit Thailand, as it may just help you choose when to visit.