Where to Have Sewing Done or Clothes Repaired in Bangkok, Thailand

getting sewing repairs in Bangkok
Photo copyright Transformer18 – Creative Commons license.


If you ever need to have sewing done or clothes repaired in Bangkok, Thailand — a zipper replaced, trousers shortened and hemmed, skirts taken in, or any other sewing-related work — the best place to get it done in Bangkok is on the street. Yes, on the street.

All over Bangkok, you will find women and men set up at the side of the road with a table and a sewing machine. You just drop off your item of clothing that needs to be sewed or repaired, and pick it up a few days later.

The cost? With the woman I use, she charges 20 baht (62 cents) to repair a seam in a pair of pants, 30 baht (93 cents) to hem a pair of pants and, for a zipper replacement in pants, a skirt or a dress 90 baht ($2.79) and that includes the price of the zipper. Most everything else is between 20 baht and 70 baht (62 cents to $2.17) per item.

So the next time you need sewing done or clothes repaired in Bangkok, Thailand, just look for the person with a sewing machine. There will be one near you.