9 more cases of numbness/limb weakness after Sinovac vaccines in Lampang, Thailand

Following on from 7 cases of temporary partial paralysis in people who were given the Sinovac vaccine in Thailand earlier this month, today news out of Lampang says another 9 cases of numbness or limb weakness after the Sinovac vaccine were reported.

A total of 604 people were administered the vaccine in the same round. Nine experienced numbness/limb weakness.

According to Thai media, the shots in the batch were from a lot that was manufactured directly after the batch that caused seven people to suffer numbness/limb weakness in Rayong earlier in the week.

Both batches were given to medical personnel.

Out of the nine people that had adverse affects after being given the vaccine in Lampang, symptoms occurred 15 minutes after being administered the Sinovac vaccine.

All nine suffered numbness of the face and mouth, and one of the nine also suffered from limb weakness.

The person who suffered limb weakness also showed symptoms consistent with transient ischemic attack. In non-medical terms, a transient ischemic attack is a mini-stroke.

Doctors say she recovered within four hours, although it may not be known until a later time if she will suffer any lasting effects.

Dr Prasert Kitsuwannarat, the Lampang provincial chief public health officer, insists the Sinovac vaccine is still safe and, after being halted for several hours, vaccinations with it were resumed.

Meanwhile, according to a study carried out in Chile, the Sinovac vaccine is thought to be around 67% effective preventing symptomatic infection from Covid-19.

In a Brazilian study, however, the Sinovac vaccine was shown to be just over 50% effective. though more effective at preventing hospitalization.

Meanwhile, the AstraZeneca vaccine, the other vaccine currently being administered in Thailand, has now caused blood clots in 168 people. Out of those, 32 people have died.

This has led to several European countries limiting the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

In the case of Denmark it has meant that country stopped administering AstraZeneca as the director-general of the Danish Health Authority felt there is “a real and serious side effect signal” from the vaccine.

Due to the country’s low infection rates, therefore, he feels for Denmark the risks far outweigh the benefits.

Particularly when the Pfizer vaccine is thought to be 90% effective against Covid-19, whereas AstraZeneca is only around 63%. An effective rate currently similar to that of Sinovac.

The Thai government, however, seems to feel differently when it comes to Thais receiving either the AstraZeneca vaccine or the Sinovac vaccine.

Particularly when both vaccines seem to be successful in reducing severe Covid infections and, thus, potentially lessening the strain on the healthcare system.

That, of course, could change should more people suffer adverse effects as Sinovac vaccinations in Thailand continue.

More: Thailand sticks with Sinovac vaccine after ‘stroke-like’ side effects in some recipients