Offering Drinks to the Spirit House Gods (Featured Photo)


In Thailand, most buildings and houses have spirit houses (small houses built on concrete stands next to the main house or building), and these are where the spirits who protect the building live. Every day, Thais give food and drink as an offering to the spirits because, if they don’t, they believe the spirits will not protect them and, in fact, may even do them harm.

Some of the most beautiful photographs in Thailand are taken at spirit houses and this one, our latest in our Featured Photo category, is no exception. It’s gorgeous. Yet so simple.

Just a photo of bottles of red Fanta and other soft drinks, left in frontĀ  of the spirit house as an offering to the spirit gods. Lovely, eh?

The photo was taken by mollymazilu, and is available on Flickr under a Creative Commons License. It’s one of the nicest spirit house photographs I’ve ever seen.