How much is fresh Thai seafood in Bangkok, Thailand? Ridiculously cheap and delicious (video)

How much is fresh Thai seafood in Bangkok, Thailand? So cheap and so delicious

I was looking for a video to send to friends who will be in Thailand next week and who wanted to see what kind of seafood is available in the Land of Smiles before they get here, as well as wanted to know how much is fresh Thai seafood in Bangkok?

Because, of course, Thai seafood is some of the freshest and best in the world and is some of the cheapest as well. Especially for the consistent high quality you get. So my friends are looking forward to eating as much of it as they can — and rightfully so.

Unsurprisingly, the best video I found for seafood in Thailand was one from Mark Wiens’ YouTube channel. Wiens runs the highly successful website Migrationology, as well as has one of the most popular YouTube channels for Thai cuisine.

In this video, he and his family head to Samut Prakan province for the day, which is a province around 12 miles from Bangkok. Here they visit the huge Pak Nam seafood market to check out fresh seafood such as horseshoe crab, shrimp, mackerel, octopus, squid and mantis prawns.

They also visit the seaside town of Bang Pu where they go to the famous Sala Sukjai restaurant to eat some of the freshest and most delicious Thai seafood you will ever find.

Sala Sukjai is known among Thais for its superb seafood as well as is famous for the huge number of seagulls that congregate there, with many visitors buying food to feed them.

The restaurant itself was built in 1939, and is at the end of a very long wooden pier that juts out into the ocean.

Related: Where is the best seafood in Bangkok? These restaurants are excellent

Some of the Thai seafood dishes Mark and his family ate at Sala Sukjai include:

Mung bean noodles with shrimp

Steam baked mussels

Fried fish cakes

Potaek — a sour fish soup you really should try when you next come to Thailand, as it is consistently delicious

Fried barramundi fish with fish sauce

As for what they paid, which will give you a good indication of how incredibly cheap good, fresh seafood is in Thailand? Only 1,205 baht, or around $34.22, for enough food to handsomely feed four adults ($8.55 per person).

Remember that price is at a famous seafood restaurant as well, meaning you will often see it even cheaper in many other seafood restaurants in Bangkok and surrounding ares.

If you like the look of the food, and would also love to eat at Sala Sukjai in Bang Pu you can get there via the Google map below.

Watch Mark Wiens’ video of his trip to Samut Prakan for seafood below that.