Kanum Jeen All-You-Can-Eat Noodle Buffet in Chiang Mai is Awesome (Video)

kanum jeen all you can eat noodle buffet chiang mai

Kanum Jeen in Chiang Mai, Thailand is an amazing all-you-can-eat noodle buffet I stumbled across with a Thai friend the last time I was in the city. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera with me so couldn’t take any photos of the delicious and dirt cheap noodles we ate.

So, I was thrilled to find this video from Open Chiang Mai this weekend — ‘Kanum Jeen’ Noodle Buffet at Ban Jed Yod — as it explains the concept of the Kanum Jeen all-you-can-eat noodle buffet in Chiang Mai very well, and shows all the delicious food you can eat.

The price of the buffet even includes an appetizer and a traditional Thai dessert. And what is that price for an all-you-can-eat noodle buffet in Chiang Mai at the moment? For this one, just 59 baht.

As 59 baht is less than $2, it is an absolute bargain. Try eating all that delicious and healthy food for that amazing price in Europe or America. It simply can’t be done.

By the way, for more awesome videos from Open Chiang Mai, check out the Eating in Chiang Mai for 100 baht a day‘ video, which I think is awesome, or head to the Open Chiang Mai website, where they have hundreds more incredibly cool videos to watch.

And now watch below to see just why the Kanum Jeen buffet is a must go.