The cheapest American breakfast in Bangkok? Took Lae Dee restaurant at Foodland supermarkets (video)

Where is the cheapest American breakfast in Bangkok? At Took Lae Dee restaurants at the open-24-hours-a-day Foodland supermarkets

One of my favorite places for an American breakfast in Bangkok, Thailand is Took Lae Dee, the restaurant inside most locations of the Foodland supermarket chain. Took Lae Dee has a huge menu of food, which they serve 24 hours a day and at low prices, but they are the most popular with expats for their American-style breakfast.

Finding a good American breakfast in Bangkok is not easy, as you will often find what you order just doesn’t taste quite ‘right’ — or, in other words, it tastes like a Thai thinks breakfast should taste. Good, but not how it would usually be in the west.

Took Lae Dee‘s breakfast certainly isn’t perfect and, if you are American, you will definitely notice it tastes more Thai than western. But for a western-style breakfast complete with eggs, bacon, toast and jam, orange juice and coffee for just 79 baht (around $2.25), it’s an incredibly good deal.

In fact, from every place I have ever ordered an American-style breakfast, the cheapest American breakfast in Bangkok is definitely at Took Lae Dee. No surprise then that Took Lae Dee actually means ‘Cheap and Good’.

When you order the breakfast, you get a choice of how your eggs are cooked — fried or scrambled.  You then decide on ham, bacon or sausages, regular or whole wheat toast, and pineapple, orange or guava juice. Most people go for coffee, but you can also have tea if that is your preference.

As for what does the American breakfast at Took Lae Dee restaurant look like?

Pretty darned nice, as you will see from Eat Sleep Bangkok’s excellent video below. A breakfast he got for 62 baht ($1.77), as he arrived during the restaurant’s ‘Happy Hour’ (5:30-9am) when Took Lae Dee charges just 62 baht.

Now you don’t get much better deals in Bangkok than that.

You can also check out other locations of Took Lae Dee if you don’t want to sit at a diner counter, as the larger Foodland supermarket locations have full restaurants and not just the counter service as in this video. My favorite Took Lae Dee is at the Foodland branch on Sukhumvit Soi 16.

Watch Eat Sleep Bangkok’s video of the Took Lae Dee American breakfast below and, if you want to learn more about Bangkok restaurants, apartments and living in Bangkok in general, subscribe to his YouTube channel. He has some very good reviews.