Phuket residents can leave and return with correct documentation from September 2nd

Phuket residents have been complaining for weeks that is was difficult, and sometimes impossible, to be able to leave and return to the Thai island.

This due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, and Phuket all but blocked off from the rest of Thailand since the beginning of August.

Today, however, the extremely strict Phuket restrictions have been changed for Phuket residents, while almost everyone else still has to abide by yesterday’s provincial order banning them.

According to Phuket Vice Governor Pichet Panapong people who are either residents of Phuket, or who work on the Thai island, will now be able to leave and return much more easily.

This is due to the previously required special permission letter signed by a Phuket official no longer being needed.

Phuket residents and workers will still need to show the correct documentation, however, in order to be easily able to leave and return with ease.


It does appear those leaving and returning to Phuket will still be required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19

What documentation is required to be able to leave and reenter Phuket?

The documentation required is actually quite basic.

For those who work on Phuket, anything that confirms they work at a specific place is all that will be needed.

Phuket residents will need to show something that proves they live on the Thai island — a drivers license, an ID card that shows their address on Phuket, a rental contract or their house registration (the tabien baan) will be sufficient.

While the latest Phuket entry rules for residents will come as a welcome change to some, others will likely not be too thrilled.

Especially as it appears entry to Phuket will still not be allowed between the hours of 11pm to 4am, and those leaving and returning must still be vaccinated against Covid and have proof of a current negative PCR or antigen test.